1Jan 16, 2019
Most authorities, including the Bible, describe two distinct kinds of fears. One is a feeling of dread, caused by something we would like to avoid – often something that isn’t what it seems. It is often said that fear of the unknown is one of the strongest fears. I would concur, as NOT knowing what […]
2Jan 10, 2019
In this day of fear-mongering, global uncertainties, local insecurities where doom and gloom lurk at every corner, just what is this thing, fear? What does it mean? What does it do? How are we to make it stop, even prevent it from seeping into our lives? According to the Bible Dictionary, fear "May be either [...]
3Jan 9, 2019
“The Lord says, ‘Forget what happened before, and do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it?’” Isaiah 43:18-19a NCV After spending much of the last eight months without good vision, struggling to focus with impaired vision, this verse leapt […]