1Aug 6, 2024
I do not know who authored this, but I find it very profound. It can be delved into deeper, which I will do soon, but I wanted to share it with you. If you know who the author is, please share! If you are called to mend the broken-hearted, you will wrestle with a broken […]
2May 20, 2020
This morning I was thinking about how so many different people have so many different stories regarding their personal experiences with God. It made me wonder how all of those different viewpoints really made sense – are they real? Can they help somebody else? So I was thinking of one very small incident in the […]
3Aug 7, 2018
Do you know how to boil a frog? If you heat the water to boiling and then drop the frog in, he will jump right out! If you put him in a pan of cold water, and heat it slowly, you’ve got him! He doesn’t even notice the heat until it’s too late! We can […]
4Aug 1, 2018
James speaks a great deal about the tongue (the things we say) and they power that lies therein. James 3:2-12 (NIV) says, “We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check. When we put bits into the mouths […]
5Jul 9, 2018
As I head off this week to have eye surgery, I am reminded, again, of the importance of vision. As I ponder this thing, vision, I am reminded that there are two visions – one spiritual and one physical. Having had issues with my physical vision for over 35 years, this concept of “vision” has […]
6Jun 21, 2018
We have to learn that our words are very powerful. Each time we speak, we call things to be, just as God did when he created the universe with His Words! Romans 4:17 (KJV) says, “(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom we believed, even God, […]
7Jun 8, 2018
I saw this on another social media site and thought it was good. It looks like it could be used as part of a group exercise or teaching, as well as a personal journey: BE IMPECCABLE WITH YOUR WORD *Speak with integrity. *Say only what you mean. *Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself […]
8Jun 8, 2018
One of my favorite definitions of character is “a fixed, predictable image.” When you really think about that, it’s not hard to see that what your kids see when you are at home behind closed doors, when no one is watching, should be the same thing that everyone sees out in the open. Many years […]
9Apr 15, 2018
Well, here we go. A new adventure starts today. I am compelled to share a few nuggets of wisdom imparted to me by hundreds of people over the years. A collection of advice, observations, experiences, and learned principals that will surely enlighten, encourage, and support health and happiness. It is my sincere prayer that each visitor to […]